Friday, August 7, 2009


Hey hey!!!
So today I start my post ranting about summer!!! people keep reminding me how we only have less then a month left! DONT RUB IT IN!!!! So today, my friend E.M. came over and we went to the park and played some b-ball and caught up. Tonight @ the pool, their having a dive-in-movie!!! I'm going with E.M. and G.D. and I'm pretty sure it will rock. Tomorrow I have to get up really early and go to R.S.'s Bat Mitzvah all morning, and then the after party for most of the day...
Sorry I havent been posting much latley, but it's been the last thing on my mind! A few weeks ago me and K.H. headed up to H.D.'s lake house to chill with her in the hot tub and swim in the lake! it was so realaxing and fun to see them again! Mostley I've just been having girl's nights in with E.W.R., and A.M. and hanging out @ the pool or four corner's with K.K., or E.M., or A.O.! Basically my summer has been just short of amazing! Well I've got to go, E.S. is here and then later I have the dive-in-movie! So I'll be back later (if I get the time) so try not to miss me to much... =D


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


SOrry for some reason my previous post got cut off, what it was going to say is I also am going to pick cherries today. I also got 3 fantastic sun dresses, and an amazing jacket from American Eagle. It is tan , has navy piping detail and then the inside is all magenta!!! I<3 it alot! lolzzzz.... TOday I also got my toenails done a deep purple (soo pretty!) Next I think I'm gonna get gold though.... Any ways i have got to go so Have a great summer!

thanks for reading,

p.s. sorry this isn't very good! I am in a super hurry!

Summertime and the living is easyyyy

Yay! Summer is here! Yesss I celebrated on saturday by getting together with some of the galpals ( O.A., E.W., and G.D.). Yesterday was soooo much fun! I went to Saratoga with my madre and we looked at art and cute little shops! I got these ADORABLE pair of cube-like earrings and they are fantastic! Lolz I <3>

See you later,
Grace <333>

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Sorry for the recent slow down (actually just all together stop) in posts. Manhattan was amazing as always during break! Went to the honors ceremony at one of the private schools in the area and oh yea, got excellence in Science! Want to make a shoutout to my friend E.P. Having fun in Connecticut? Hope your dad is making his good speech in Hong Kong and I hope you get to see him soon! Tonight I am going to a small gathering at my parents friends house and M.S. is crashing at my place for the night. Oh guess what? I'm being stalked, AGAIN. So I was on my AIM account IMing with my friends when this weird creepy person starts asking for personal info. I blocked him/her. I'm used to it, b/c for some reason stalkers are like drawn to me. Who knows why.
Yesterday was the worst I have felt in forever. I had no energy at all and was soo lazy. I attempted to go outside but I got a headache and went back in. I spent all my free time watching my favorite movies: Raising Arizona, Slumdog Millionaire, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Death at a Funeral. I also read The Te of Piglet for the millionth time in a row; God, I have no life whatsoever.
I need to go shopping soon, I have no clothes for this sudden change in weather. I have like 5 pairs of sweat pant material shorts, and tee shirts. I think I might die of a clothesstroke. Anyways, I'm off! Who knows what I'll do? Please tell me when you figure it out.


Monday, April 13, 2009


Happy Easter everyone!

Alrighty... so today I was expecting to be as boring as Friday and Saturday were, buuut then! E.P. and Noel (her mother) to the rescue!!! And yes, to future questions it was Noel Grundwalt (the artist) and her daughter, and yes, E.P.'s father is Richard Prince. We caught up and chatted from.... 2:30 t0 5:30. We got tea from starbucks and went to a paint-your-own pottery studio. I painted a mystical fairy-like creature, who's eyebrows resembled Groucho Mark's and so we nicknamed her the "Transvestite Fairy". All in all it was an awsome remedy to couch potatoe-ness.
ChildhoodFlames is selling old clothing that is not being used! Yes! This is like a humungo field day to me! Unfotunatly the Nine West gladiator wedges, Ellen Tracy blazer, and the Isaac Mizrahi for Target shift dress were all sold when I got the word of the sale.... Anyways, ChildhoodFlames, could you please clarify how the shipping and buying process goes? Many shoppers are wondering if it is off of Ebay or off of itself.
I also heard about this awsome song from E.P. called The Seed (2.0). look it up!
And I'm off! I'll try to post more when I arrive in Manhattan tomorrow!

lots of love,

p.s. please tell your blogger friends about my site!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Okay I know you've missed me! Well now that I'm back I havvvve to write a new post. So I first want to make a shoutout to my blogger friend Kathleen whos blog is.....:
I also follow her blog so fyi u can also look in the blogs I follow! Weeeeeell. Today my friend E.P. came in with the most cool-boho vibe-destroyed black Lanvin flats. They were awsome b/c they 1. looked like dance shoes
2. were worn, and destroyed looking
3. were Lanvin ( yea one of my favorite designers!)

She ( E.P.) has now officially decided on moving to the Big Apple! Ahhhh! Don't goooo! Who will I complain to and gripe to who will actually listen and pretend like she cares?! I will miss her presence greatly.... Wow. Sounds like she died or something. Sooooo April break has finially arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyx10000x1000x13000! sorry for the exsessive yay-ing! I will be stuck in suburbia for the weekends, but in Manhattan (more yaying!) from Monday thru Friday! As you can see I'm reaaally happy to be getting out of here!

Ahhh, who doesn't love a great trip to the basement to find old dusty belonings, memories, and other things that happen to be laying around. Thats what I spent my whole afternoon basically doing, although I did go outside to see my mom and play a quick game of tennis with her. I was looking for the matching shoe to a lonely navy Doc Marten... Alas I didn't find that but some old ice skates, ballet en pointe shoes, and some old dusty stuff. As you have probably concluded, I have no life.

Sorry this post was so long, and probably only one person actually will read it, hopefully (we will call that person George) George is having a good laugh at how pathetic my life is right now. Well at least I'll be seeing my best friends in the whole world from Mon. thru Fri. Their names are Saks and Barneys.

Your Trash My Treasure aka Grace

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Moi is back!

Howdy everyone who actually bothers to read my blog! Well, i havent posted in a while because I have been uber busy with tons of work, tons of fun, tons of boredom (when a computer wasn't available) and tons of nothing. Yes, so I am going away for Friday and I will be out for half of Saturday. On friday my friend A.G. and I will be attending a movie party( the movie choice is dreadfully boring and we will probably hiding out in the bathroom the whole 2 hours it lasts), then getting some pizza, then getting pedicures (yay! more pampering!), then going back to her place and watching Twilight for the umptinth time. I'm crashing over there then in the moring bright and early at 10 I have a private violin lesson. Yes if you're wondering I did quit piano and replace it with violin. I still sit down at my piano frequently though and teach myself songs that I hear. Yea I can do that after seven years of piano. So. Today was boring as usual. Halfway made up with N.H. Yes i dont know if i told you this, but we've been fighting. As lady gaga would say its complicated and stupid, in Lovegame, buuuut I'm not gonna repeat the next phrase... Look it up.

see you later bloggers! also I thought Adam Lambert was terrible last night but even Smokey gave him a standing ovation.... Shows what I know.

~Your Trash My Treasure. aka Grace <3

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do feel like my brain is melting!

Yehello! Though since I only have one follower I feel ashamed to even be saying yehello....
Well, as you can see by my title/sub-heading, I'm not well.... No. I have the flu! And wait there is more.... Strep too!!!!!!!!!!Oh gee golly gosh! Aren't I lucky. Yes well at least my fingers didn't fall off my friend N.H. assured me of! Yes folks, apparently that can happen. I have an ongoing headache, and watching Moonstruck (yea that's the one with Cher and Nicholas Cage) last night really didn't help that. So I am in a very un-happy mood so, as you can imagine, I wore all black today. Black stud earrings, this adorable sheer black cardigan (yes with a black t-shirt on under it!), dark wash jeans, and yes, even black socks. It actually looked quite good, and its a shame nobody was around to see it. So now I must go finish my wallowing in self pity. Farewell and I hope you don't get the stru (hehehe my combo for strep and flu!)

~Grace (aka Your Trash My Treasure)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Ahhh, we meet again! Well today was an average, uneventful day. I checked up on all my favorite blogs, such as which had quite a few posts that I had missed while I was relaxing in Vermont. Well, yesterday I was thrilled! My long anticipated Uggs had arrived! They are the tall brown ones, and are now my favorite footwear. I know their not quite as versatile as my Michael Kors canvas tennis shoes (hehehe, my own little inside joke with A.G.), they are still comfortable, warm, trendy, and good for being lazy in. Today was a sluggish day, and I was feeling sluggish, so they were perfect for tramping around in, while being sluggish. Since everything about today was sluggish, I dressed sluggish. Sorry for the overload of sluggish-ness. I wore my Gap khakis, a strange, old white polo shirt that is missing it's label (I don't even remember buying it!), and a tweed pink bell sleeved jacket. But I didn't go sluggish on the jewelry. I wore my diamond and crystal Givenchy necklace, a pair of 24 karat gold pearl earrings, and an old Vera Bradley headband. Please comment that I'm boring you if I am. Anyways, I must go! I have work to do, on the company (please don't ask, I am not bringing my "work" life into my blog), and cleaning, and then dinner. I hate to admit this, but I am also subject to the brain washing of American Idol tonight. Please tell me when they create a cure for that.

Farewell (and please, I only have one follower, can someone else add me!?),
Grace (aka Your Trash My Treasure)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hello again blogging world! It is I Your Trash My Treasure. Yesterday my family and I headed out to Vermont. I can express everything about this place in about one word. Cold. Yes it is freezing. And I thought that all those nights when I was lying in bed, not being able to feel my toes, under 13 blankets, were cold. Well, let me tell you, those compare nothing to this. Luckily the pool is warm, and the air around the pool is so humid, that it is uncomfortable to breath. How ever, there was one plus side to the long trip here. We went to the Vermont Teddy Bear Company factory. And I realize fully that I have now put myself out there for ridicule and cruel jokes, but it was adorable. And I am slightly embarrassed to say I bought a teddy bear. She is a dark brown, and she came with a little pink bow. It is quite childish, but she is the cutest teddy bear I have ever seen. Have you ever heard of that big chain of stores, Build A Bear? Well one time my little cousin wanted one, so we went to get her some clothes, yes, clothes, for her bear. They are extremely over priced, they are made over seas, and not well made at all. Well the Vermont Teddy Bear Company is the pricey, yet quality made equivalent of that. It was any little child's paradise. If you ever travel up north to Burlington, Vermont (we passed through, we're actually staying in Stowe) then make a special effort to stop into the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. Yes, that is how my trip is going.
Alright, the other part of my post today is going to be for shoutouts! The first shoutout I would like to shout out, would be to my friend A.G. Happy Birthday! Only the best wishes for you in your new age! My second shout out I would like to make, would be to my friends in the M.V.C. It was great on Thursday, I miss you all, and lets do it again. Also A. please get me the copies of those photos! And my last shoutout would be to my Sister, M. M. thank you for sacrificing this trip and sleeping in G.A.'s room the first night, I appreciate it amensly!

I now must say a loving, farewell. And I will be back to posting sometime in the near future!
Good Bye for now,
Grace (aka Your Trash My Treasure)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Other Award Worthy Bloggers

Oh, we meet again! I know it is only a few minutes after I published my first post but I love Blog spot! So in this post I'm going to be the host... *drum roll* of the Awards!
" Oh, wow. I've been dreaming of this moment my whole life. Thank you so much! It is an honor to juts be asked to host this award show! I want to thank all my (zero probably) fans, my family, and everyone else that has supported me through my whole life!"
Just kidding. Today in my blog I'm just going to say some amazing blogs that I love on! Okay so I admit it, I was rudely reading over someones shoulder. While standing in line at the store, I was looking over someones shoulder while they were reading a TeenVogue. The one with Taylor Swift on the cover. Well they had this story about fashion bloggers, and they had a few examples. One was a website of its own (not on blogspot) and the address for that one was Jane you have a great taste in fashion and your website it great! Then there is one of our own bloggers, and her site is and she is pure genius! I was on her blog only a day ago, and her witty humor is very entertaining, as is her charming sense of style! And last but not least... The last award goes to........! Congratulations Camille! Her latest trip to the big apple seemed great, and she described it well. I hope you had fun! Well that's all I can squeeze out of my brain for today, I hope you enjoy my blogs, and umm I hope you enjoyed the Awards! Check back soon. Please, I'm desperate! Just kidding again. I must bid you ado for today my dear bloggers. Farewell until my next post...

Grace (aka Your Trash My Treasure)


Hello! This is my first ever post! Wow... Now I can rant and rave as much as I want about anything I want! This is perfect! As my friends usually get bored when I drag on and on and on about stupid theories and thoughts. But ha ha! I have found my revenge, I now have a place where I can be as possibly boring as I want! Just so you all know (yes I am talking to you everyone sitting at home on their computers) I will share my views and opinions on many important *she said sarcastically* subjects such as:
  • fashion!
  • my life issues ( please try not to tell me your falling asleep on these ones)
  • politics ( I will try not to fall asleep on these ones!)
  • and probably other pointless things that I need to get out of my system

Also I will do so while probably making tons of typos so bear with me on that one! I'm a fast typist, and don't pay attention to those types of things. Also to any of you stalkers out there, don't even bother about asking any personal information, its a waste of both of our time seeing as I will not disclose any. Hopefully I will have a few comments by the end of the week, so please comment and make me happy! Thank you and look for a few more of my posts (I am so excited about having a blog, I might make a few tonight!)


Grace (aka Your Trash My Treasure)